Day Of Nothing

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Day Of Nothing

Phew – I survived Christmas! It has been 7 straight days of social commitments, errand, baking and cooking.   And that’s on top o f all the social commitment and holiday parties all month long. I admit to feeling it in particular this year – maybe I am getting older, but all of the extra days of drinking and appetizers, and meals out and baked goods, just had me feeling sluggish from the effects of all the poor dietary choices, as well as generally tired from all the activities. And so, today, the day after Christmas, I was happy to not have any plans.

Especially as the week progresses, I will be back with plans and commitments – hosting Girl’s Night on the 30th, and then of course there is New Year’s Eve, and then New Years’ Day and the Day after, with football games and bowl games (Go PSU!). So, yes, I needed a day of rest if I was to keep up with the final commitments of the year.

I woke up today and made a to-do list for my day off, and then I just sat there watching TV unable to get going. I actually even went back to bed at one point for a nap. After waking up a second time, I promptly threw out my to do list and just decided to have a Day of Nothing.

I got changed into comfy lounge wear, binge-watched some TV, and as I was making progress on my season catch-ups, I decided to set up my new bullet journal for the new year (more on this, next post). My friend Kim called and we finally got to catch up, as it has been overdue! Next thing I knew it was dinnertime, and I didn’t want to cook as I had been doing that non-stop, and so I ordered pizza. I know, not very spa-like!  I had just gotten a text from friend Kristen, asking if I had recovered from hosting Christmas, and I thought to myself, you know what, I have.   I really enjoyed my day. I didn’t really have anything planned (once I threw out my to do list) and I got to catch up with a friend, and spend some time doing things I enjoyed..   And that was what I needed.

Now, My friend Kate, who you have heard me mention before, used to routinely book a Day of Nothing on her calendar. It was the one day that she (and her husband after she got married) held free and did not make any commitments or plans for that day. When the day arrived they would spend it however they wanted to. But the point was it was a day that was reserved at all costs for “nothing”. It was exactly like what I had done today — RECHARGE!

What’s funny is that in all of the years that Kate and I were friends, I never followed suit and booked a day of nothing. Maybe that was because I had my spa days, which served the same purpose. But after my day today, I can see why she enjoyed her Days of Nothing and why she preserved them at all costs. The benefits of Day of Nothing over a Spa Day are that, you don’t need to book any appointments, or be anywhere, and it is also free!

So, just in time for the new year, I have my first resolution. – to schedule a Day of Nothing, at least once per quarter. So, my first official Day of Nothing was a great success, and now my first act of my bullet journal and planning will be to book my Days of Noting for the year.

Relaxing #DayofNothing


And maybe for those who don’t get the chance to fully live spa as much as they would like, Day’s of Nothing could be a wonderful time to live Spa-Inspired with some at home spa time!

And here’s to you Kate, you continue to inspire me!  And here’s  to you, I hope you will be inspired to take some time out for you this year.



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