Its All About That Spa Glow!

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Its All About That Spa Glow!

I remember my first trip to Mii Amo.   I had been working to implement a financial system at my company. We went live in the US earlier in the year, and that had been a lot of work. I delayed my vacations until the second half of the year. The company had plans to continue roll-outs in other countries, and I had assumed I would pass my work onto to someone local. I never expected that I would be brought in to help.   So it was off toe Canada  as  their go live date was just 9 months after the US, then no sooner was that done I ended up being asked to help the UK go-live 3 months later.   After more than a year and half of intense deadlines, and go-lives and issue resolution, not to mention constant travel, I was WAY overdue for some time off.


I remember showing up at Mii Amo, just so worn done. I felt like they should have a sign like the Statue of Liberty – give us your stressed and burnt out.  I have written about this in my review of Mii Amo.   But it did not take me long to settle in to the Spa Life.   And very quickly, I felt better, I was better nourished, calmer, relaxed.   My body was responding to the activities and the treatments. And a facial only adds to the healthy and vibrant glow.


I remember meeting with a personal coach while I was there, and we were talking about my life and career and options, and she remarked about how healthy and vibrant I looked after only 2 days there. Imagine was a week could do?!?!?!  Later, on a subsequent trip, I was remarking to an employee about this.   She had checked me in upon my arrival, and she saw me a day or two later, and remarked on the complete change in my face.   She said “ Its so interesting, you see people when they first arrive, and then you see them over the course of their stay and you just see the changes in their face and posture as they relax and leave all the stress behind.”


Its amazing what “real life” and the “real world” do to us.   Its also amazing how immersing yourself in a Spa for a even a day or so, can reverse the effects, if only momentarily.   As I said, a great facial can put some instant glow to our faces.  But days of pampering and self-care, relaxation, disconnecting from work and technology, eating spa meals, drinking water, and some yoga and meditation and physical activity and every other things that is good for you, that we should do regularly, and that glow just infuses everything .

That Spa Glow

But every spa trip, I would always look at ways to keep the Spa Effect going, even after I left.  Could I use the meals as inspiration for what I cooked when I was back home?   Could I take a cue from the portion sizes? Practice regular self-care through some DIY pampering and at-home facials or manis and pedis?    Could I continue to incorporate a balanced fitness activity? Can I take time out to just relax, unwind, and write in my journal or read?

This was really the start of Spa Inspired Living.     In this hectic, modern world of connectivity 24-7 and media and reality tv induced drama, we are inundated with stressors, and take even less time to unwind and disconnect.     I can easily waste an hour on a social media platform, or watching a rerun on TV, and what have I gained? On the other hand, could I take time for myself? Can I add a small Spa Inspired action to my daily life?


And if I do, will you see it on my face?  That Spa Glow exists, and its more than just the facial, its all of it – the treatments, the nutritious food, the physical activity, the relaxation, the sights of nature and soothing environments and décor, the sound of relaxing music, and water elements, and the smells of aromatherapy.   The senses are more than engaged, they are indulged, and we are better for it.   And that is the inspiration behind this blog, to use best things experienced at the best spas and integrate a spa-inspired lifetstyle into my daily life.

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