Qua Baths & Spa (Las Vegas)

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Qua Baths & Spa Vegas

Qua Baths & Spa

Qua Baths & Spa is notable for its award won, in large part due to its impressive Laconium.  The spa’s theme bares little resemblance to Roman Baths (stealing from Caesar’s Palace Roman theme) and instead pays homage to the desert with a decidedly Arabian flare of Hammams.  It features baths, a Laconium room and a unique Arctic Ice Room.

There are a number of water features, whirlpool, baths and steam rooms that are located in Single Sex facilities off of the locker rooms.   The Laconium Room is co-ed.  So you have your options of the different hydrotherapy treatments you want to experience.  If you have read any of my blogs, you know that I am a big proponent of deepening both relaxation and the therapeutic effects of a massage by warming the muscles up pre-massage.  Hydra-therapy is one great way to do that.  You can learn about other optioned here.


What I Love About The Spa

The Laconium is really a wonderful way to relax and aid in the therapeutic properties of a massage. And with the different options of Roman Baths and single-sex and co-ed options you really are invited to spend a significant amount of time beyond your treatment time.  This is different from some of the other spas I have been too.

They feature an adequate waiting area ahead of your treatment, where there is plenty of seating. And the chairs do feature ottomans which do make it enjoyable to relax and read for a while if you prefer.

The Spa menu is a journey in and of itself and provides a number of different options that intrigued even me, and I have seen and tried a lot!  Some of the options that caught my eye:

  • Mystic Journey
  • Mojave Rain
  • Soulful Journey/ Soulful Journey Synergy


Soulful Journey 

Qua Baths & Spa VegasIf you like energy work and something different, I would definitely recommend the Soulful Journey/Soulful Journey Synergy. This treatment is exclusive and only found at Qua.     It is a blend of energy work, including energy work, through a Tree of Life reading. Based on the reading, specific work is done on areas that need more work.  The treatment uses crystals for grounding and tranquility and also uses color light therapy in the room to aid further in healing and balance.   Essential oil blends for the elements of Earth, Water, Fire or Air are then messaged into the body.  The whole experience is aimed at bringing you into alignment and connecting with your higher self and bringing your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing into balance.   I was lucky enough to have this treatment provided by the creator of the treatment.


What I Didn’t Like

Qua Baths & SpaWhile this spa has won awards, it is not in my Top 5 spas. I would definitely come to this spa for some of the unique treatments like the Soulful Journey.   To me this spa just isn’t as inviting to sit and relax for a while as some of the other spas.   Its true that the waiting lounge area does have chairs with ottomans, they are more like pool furniture and so its not as inviting and comfortable as other places.

I did have the signature hourglass treatment on a separate trip. This treatment is really a booking for time rather than service.  You can make up your decision on what service, including combination of services depending on the time.   While this is a nice concept, and something some other spas, like the Mandarin Oriental Spas do.  I just didn’t enjoy it.  I had a massage combined with a facial type treatment, which was really just a mask.  And it was really administered by a massage therapist rather than an aesthetician.  So it just felt like a subpar experience to me.  I would definitely recommend picking one the specified treatments over booking for time at Qua.

Also, the lighting the locker room area was garish. I don’t know if this was something unique to the day I visited but it really was awful lighting.  It certainly didn’t set the mood for relaxation and papering.



While Qua Baths & Spa, has won some awards, I think there are too many good spas in Las Vegas that it’s worth checking them out in addition to Qua.  Especially since Caesar’s Palace is more centrally located on the strip you can easily head to some of the other spas. It is true that Qua does have some really great unique treatments, and if you are focused on a specific treatment, I absolutely would then go to this spa, and you will have a great time and enjoy the relaxation.  But if you are ambivalent about a treatment or just looking for something basic, you might enjoy some of the other spas better.

You can see my list of Las Vegas Spas and how they rate in the Love to Spa Las Vegas Spa Guide.

Love to Spa Signature Signoff


Updated September 2019


Qua Baths & Spa

3570 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, NV 89109


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