Digital Wellness

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Digital Wellness

I think one of the things I love about spa time is that I get a break from technology for a period of time.  The phone is silenced and put away while I enjoy a massage or facial.   And on an extended destination spa, my phone for once is not my constant companion.   I can remember one of my first trips to Mii Amo, where with all the activities and evening spa treatments, I went the whole time without TV, without a computer, and with the reception sometimes a little tricky with the canyon, most of the world was kept at bay as long as I stayed off wifi  –  such a change of pace! The biggest story of the day (the Duchess of Cambridge’s first pregnancy) was on the front page of the newspaper delivery to my door.  Old school and low tech.

However, outside the spa realm, I am addicted.  Its habitual.  I check my phone for work emails constantly, so much so that on the weekends and vacations I catch myself doing it more out of habit.  I also have realized that with texting,  and any number of social media that there is this pattern of needing to react and respond – immediately – whether its reply, or retweeting, or simply liking.  And I see that play over at work, people respond asap to emails, almost sometimes without waiting for more information to come in or to process the topic.

Also, it has also taken on a physical toll.  I have noticed over the years that the areas that need attention during a massage and the work my LMT has to do has changed.   Its just the wrist and palm of right hand, its also my neck, but increasingly more the sides of my neck and where my arms connect, and you know what its from?  Its from heading leaning down to look at an iPad or a phone.

Yet, apparently I am on to something with my technology detox.  I came across an article on how people are paying to get away and disconnect.  PureWow had an article on 6 places to go to power down.   For some of these, its more about the trip and the experience, and the digital detox goes along with.  But one in particular amused me, the Hotel Westin in Dublin, actually has a digital detox fee on top of the normal room rate!

Have we really reached a point where we must pay more to disconnect???  Remember when we used to have to pay for the privilege to connect???

So in true spa-inspired living, we can at least detox and disconnect for free at home, it just takes a little self-discipline.   In fact there is a whole movement with the first Friday in March becoming a National Day of Unplugging, which apparently I missed — Oops!  So maybe the next time I have a Day of Nothing, I will also make it a Day of Unplugging.

Not sure you can do it?   Check out Huffington Post’s tips for 24 things to do in 24 tech-free hours.



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