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Crème de la Crème: Spa de La Mer  (NYC, New York)

Crème de la Crème: Spa de La Mer (NYC, New York)

April 19, 2019April 21, 2024

Spa De La Mer La Mer. Enough said.  Crème de la Mer is so recognized as much for its celebrity cult following as its hefty price tag. Think of a celebrity (Beyoncé, Chrissy) and they most likely use the line.  How much is la Mer?  La Mer costs close to $500 for 3.4 oz. (and over...

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Stress Better

Stress Better

April 12, 2019April 21, 2024

April is Stress Awareness Month.  I don’t think anyone actually needs awareness about their stress levels.  I sure didn’t.   What perhaps people need is in some respects an understanding how to manage stress and how to stress better. I love this quote, especially because this is from 1884.  The notion of stress and   increasingly...

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Energize your Spring Cleaning

Energize your Spring Cleaning

April 5, 2019April 21, 2024

I love a thorough house cleaning.   I find it very therapeutic.     But maybe more than the cleaning itself, I love a good purge, which I have written about in the Zen of Decluttering.   I feel like spring just amplifies the energy of a cleaning and purge, but when spring aligns with a new moon, you...

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Mii Amo Sleep Tonic

“Sweet” Dreams are Made of Tart Cherry Tonic

March 1, 2019April 21, 2024

During a recent trip to Mii Amo spa I explored all the delights their menu had to offer, including the juice and smoothie menu. There they had a few tonics listed: Wellness, Sleep and Energy, and who couldn’t use more of all three? I started with a drink to sleep well. Since then, the sleep...

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If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Get Out of the Kuyam!

If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Get Out of the Kuyam!

September 21, 2018April 21, 2024

One of the treatments I did while visiting the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa, is Kuyam (Koo-Yahm).   Whenever I visit a spa, I try to select services and treatments that are unique to that spa and not likely to be found anywhere else.   I usually always get a massage as my basis of...

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My Momentary Existential Crisis on Self-Care

My Momentary Existential Crisis on Self-Care

September 14, 2018April 21, 2024

September is Self-Care Awareness Month and I recently attended a self-care discussion.   Quite early into the discussion one of the presenters mentioned getting a manicure and then immediately said, “You think a manicure is self-care, but it’s not.”  In that moment I suddenly found myself in a bit of an existential self-care crisis, questioning...

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Ojai Valley Inn and Spa (Ojai, California)

Ojai Valley Inn and Spa (Ojai, California)

August 24, 2018April 21, 2024

Ojai Valley Inn and Spa has been on my #SpaBucketList for a while, although in all fairness, what spa isn’t.  But seriously, Ojai Valley Inn piqued my interest early, and I just hadn’t made it to California in a while.  Thus, I was very excited when I was finally able to plan a trip out...

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Add Layers Like a Pro

Add Layers Like a Pro

August 15, 2018April 21, 2024

Layers, we all have them.  Whether its fashion, depth and emotions, or the proverbial onion, and even in spa-ing.  The concept of layering really came to me over decade ago.  My friend and neighbor Mary Anne, had just come back from some spa time at David J. Witchell in Newtown, PA (review coming soon). There,...

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Eurospa Aromatics Shower Mist

Eurospa Aromatics Shower Mist

August 12, 2018April 21, 2024

  Steam rooms, like jacuzzi’s, are an important part of my spa routine when I visit spas that have them.  Which certainly your destinations spas do, but a number of resort and hotel spas will offer water amenities.   Its all part of a concept I like to call “layering”, which will be the topic...

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The Spa at the Mandarin Oriental Las Vegas (Las Vegas, Nevada)

The Spa at the Mandarin Oriental Las Vegas (Las Vegas, Nevada)

June 15, 2018April 21, 2024

I end up in Las Vegas regularly enough for conferences.  Usually where I stay is driven more by convenience and the conference itself (location, location, location).  Regardless of where I stay though, I always try to check out a new spa.  You know my motto – “sooooooo many spas, so little time”.  So, until I...

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