Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday!

Who doesn’t love a good cupcake or even birthday cake?   Seriously, I can’t resist.  But birthday cake or even cupcakes don’t seem so spa-like, right?  Maybe, maybe not.  I am the type of gal who doesn’t believe in working on my birthday. Its not that I expect my birthday to be a national holiday, although come to think of it, since my birthday falls around Memorial Day, it kind of is…  But seriously, I don’t expect people to make a big deal about my birthday.  Its just my belief is that I should spend the day doing something i enjoy, and that usually means not working, and either a spa or a beach or both.    So, a few years ago, I was at the Lodge at Woodloch on my birthday.

View from the Tree Restaurant

It was early morning at breakfast, and one of the wait staff had just arrived to start her day and she gleefully shouted to her co-workers that it was her birthday. I am probably the only person who noticed, because, hey it was my birthday too! 😉   Anyway, flash forward to lunch time, and after having been seated, and waited on, I got up to head to the salad buffet, which is right near the kitchen. The staff were all gathered there singing happy birthday to the one employee.   My waitress was there and motioned me to come in and sing too.  Now they had no idea it was my birthday, but that is just the type of place that Woodloch is, there is a just a natural bond between the guests and staff, that honestly why wouldn’t a guest join in a happy birthday celebration for an employee.  However, I am just very down low about my birthday, so no one was ever the wiser.

I returned to my table, and as I did one of the waitress came over to the table next to me and gave the two women cupcakes.  She said, “I know it was your birthday the other day, and  today is one of our employee’s birthday and the pastry chef made cupcakes, so I brought these to you.”  I am telling you, that is just the way this place is.  And I am also telling you that late May is a popular time to have a birthday!    Anyway, my own waitress came over and gave me a cupcake as well, saying “you were practically part of that celebration you should have one too”   Somehow the universe delivered my a birthday cupcake at a spa on my birthday.  I love it.

Anyway,  I noticed that this cupcake reflected everything that is spa cuisine, such as portion size and preparation.  It occurred to me that yes, even a birthday cupcake can get the spa recipe treatment, without losing its cupcake yumminess. And so for those who want a little bit of that cupcake magic, but don’t want to blow your hard work, or waste the calories, you can whip these up. And I do mean, whip, because again, in spa meals, its all about the preparation.  And the whipping creates more air, and a lighter cupcake.

I did not actually ask the pastry chef for this recipe, instead I took the concept and tailored a cake recipe I have had.  My original recipe came from my college roommate, Stacey.  She was working on writing down and master all her grandmother’s recipes, and she gave me the recipe for a Caramel Cake.  The cake is amazing, but I have always gotten compliments on the cake.  I noticed that the cake is so light, that I basically started using that as my cake and cupcake base.  I just tweaked this a little to come up with my Woodloch-inspired birthday cupcakes.

Note:  This is a variation of traditional cake and cupcake recipes, just spa-sized, but they still have flour (gluten), sugar and dairy.  So I am sorry to disappoint you if you were looking for a spa swap for birthday cupcakes.  The point here was to enjoy a smaller and lighter version of the traditional cupcake or birthday cake.  I was inspired by what I saw and ate at the Lodge at Woodloch, which was a traditional type of  cupcake.




  • 1/2 Cup of butter, room temperature
  • 1 Cup of sugar
  • 2 eggs, separated + 1  additional egg white
  • 1 1/2 C flour, sifted
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • dash of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • sprinkles if desired


Icing (Whipped Cream)

  • 1 Cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2 Tablespoons Sugar
  • 1 packet of Whip It
  • Sprinkles, if desired


Heat oven to 350° and bring butter to room temperature.   Blend butter and sugar all together.   Beat in egg yolks, separately, and add to the picture.  Beat it all together.







In a separate bowl, sift the flour combine it with the baking powder and salt.   Alternate between adding in milk and the flour mixture.  Continue until well blended. Beat in vanilla.







In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks.









Fold the egg whites into the batter mixture.









Spoon into mini cupcake trays lined with mini cupcake wrappers.   Bake at 350° until done.   These will bake fast, so they will be done by 8-10 minutes, but they may bake faster, so definitely keep your eye on them.







For the icing, I just did old fashioned whipped cream, which is basically 1 cup of heavy cream, with 2 Tablespoons of sugar and a packet of Whip It.   However, you can also use your favorite icing as well.   Of course I topped my with sprinkles.  You could also add sprinkles to the cake batter.  I usually do.  Only in this recipe, since I was doing both birthday and Memorial Day cupcakes, I opted not to put any sprinkles in the batter.







And a very special happy birthday to my friend Janine’s baby girl, Melinda Marie born May 24, 2018.

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