Spa and Wellness Travel Blogger
Betsy Leahy is a spa influencer and spa and wellness travel blogger who loves wine, the beach and all things spa. A native of Philadelphia, PA, she also lived in Washington, DC before returning back to the Philadelphia area. She is planning for the day when she can move closer to the ocean.
From CPA to SPA
After Betsy obtained her CPA, she worked for a pharmaceutical company in the Finance department where she eventually became responsible for the learning and professional development of 2,000 Finance professionals worldwide. To combat the stress and burnout from the job and hectic travel schedules she sought out destination spas to recharge and to jump start her fitness goals.
Her discerning tastes, and love of life-changing travel experiences led her to create LovetoSpa.com, a modern spa lifestyle and travel guide that highlights where to spa, and what to do, try and buy.
Love to Spa
Betsy believes that every individual is unique with their own balance of needs – physical, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and the spa experiences and products they seek vary. Therefore no one spa, treatment, product, product line, diet or exercise regime will work for everyone. Love to Spa aims to connect spa-goers with the spas and product lines they are seeking. In 2019 she took the plunge and traded in her high heels for spa sandals to work on her spa blog full-time and start a wellness travel coaching practice.
She is a member of the International Spa Association, Wellness Travel Association and the Global Wellness Institute. She is certified both as a leadership and health coach, as well as as a mindfulness facilitator.
In her spare time, Betsy is a history buff and loves to read about historical figures and visit historical sites. During Saturdays in the fall, you will find Betsy watching Penn State Football. Betsy supports charities with a focus on matters near to her own heart, including: conservationism and the environment; fighting cancer, especially breast and ovarian cancer, the latter which claimed her childhood best friend; and charities that enable and empower women to get back on their feet.