Eurospa Aromatics Shower Mist

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Eurospa Aromatics Shower Mist


steam room

Steam rooms, like jacuzzi’s, are an important part of my spa routine when I visit spas that have them.  Which certainly your destinations spas do, but a number of resort and hotel spas will offer water amenities.   Its all part of a concept I like to call “layering”, which will be the topic of an upcoming blog.

There are a few benefits from steam rooms that are worth noting.  First, the heat is relaxing and can relieve stress.  The heat is also good for loosening up the muscles.  This of course is good both pre- and post-exercise, which is also why you will see steam rooms in fitness clubs.  It is also why a pre-massage steam is part of my repertoire to help loosen up the muscles, pre-massage in order to get even more out of my massage.  Of course, the steam room is also good for detoxification since the heat helps the body’s natural detoxification process through sweating.*

Of course, not all of us have access to steam rooms, and most local day spas do not have water facilities like that.  But you can turn your everyday shower into a steam room experience.  Eurospa Aromatics is a company that provides aromatic oils that many of the spas with steam rooms use, and they have a shower mists for everyday home use.  A few sprays into a steam shower can transform your everyday shower into a little steam room that you can use pre or post workout, or before heading to your local day-spa for a massage.

All of their products are eucalyptus-based, which is overwhelmingly the steam room aromatics.  But Eurospa  Aromatics also infuses the eucalyptus scent with other scents such as lavender, grapefruit, lavender and peppermint.  I first tried the lavender infused eucalyptus shower mist as I received a free sample through a spa industry function.

A few sprays of the shower mists that familiar “spa steam room” scent was being inhaled.  The nice thing about Eucalyptus and steam is it  also opens up the lungs and nasal passages.    I instantly was having that spa feeling and trust me, most times I don’t pretend to kid myself that home is a spa.  Yet, scent is so strongly linked to memory and scents can really trigger emotions, and feelings and recollections.  Since I associate this scent directly with a spas, I kept looking me expecting to be at a spa.

I think the EuroSpa Aromatics shower mist is a great little DIY steam room for when you need a little hot steam, or just to loosen up muscles and/or relax.



*Just a friendly reminder to always be safe with steam rooms and saunas.  Don’t overdue it.  The heat, while relaxing can put stress on the body.  It does raise the heart rate and that should be considered for those with heart conditions or high blood pressure.  Also you should not spend any more than 10-15 minutes in a steam room (less if you can’t handle the steam and heat).  Upon exiting a steam room, you should cool off with room temperature air, or a cool water from a shower or plunge.

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