Five Ways Wonder Improves Wellbeing

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Five Ways Wonder Improves Wellbeing
“The more I wonder, the more I love” – Alice Walker

What an appropriate theme for the month of love.  So what does love, much less your wellbeing have to do with wonder?   How does wonder fit in on the journey to wellness?

Wonder is inherently an experience of the extraordinary.  We are at one humbled and awed.  This could be the feeling that comes from looking out at a vast ocean or up at a vast night sky filled with stars.  Or holding your newborn child for the first time.

In that moment, something grater connects us.  That feeling of extraordinary.  But wonder in its essence is a priceless capability that we already have within us.  We do not need to wait for majestic moments to experience wonder.

Here’s five reasons why a sense of wonder can help your overall wellbeing:

 1. Transforms your perceptions 

It transforms how you perceive the world. It ultimately expands your perceptions.  In these moments we feel the fullness of life and its mysteries.  There is something more, something grander.  We may not may fully know or understand it all, but we are open to all of life’s possibilities that moment.

2. Comfortable with uncertainty

A sense of awe helps us to be more comfortable with uncertainty. That moment whether it is looking out at a vast sky of starts or holding your newborn child.  So much stretches out before us, unknown.  And yet in that moment you are fully present in the awesomeness of the moment.  It is only positive, not fearful, because in that moment we choose a higher, more positive emotion.   We get out of the tunnel vision that fear and stress that come with uncertainty.

3. Time-rich

It’s been said that awe and wonder make us time-rich rather than time-more. We experience these moments of wonder being fully present in the moment and in the experience.   Being fully present ultimately helps us to be more patient and open.

4. A deep connection 

In those moments of wonder we experience deep connection, to people, ourselves, our potential and even a grander purpose of life. All of which heighten our passion and spiritual energy necessary for overall well-being and being fully in the flow.

5. Greater satisfaction and wellbeing.  

Accumulating evidence suggests that awe has several benefits for physical health.  Awe and positive emotions allow for greater resilience which means wellness behaviors such as managing your energy, eating, exercising, and getting enough rest are maintained.  This may then also reduce the likelihood of developing chronic conditions.  Over time, there is evidence that awe can improve well-being and satisfaction.


How to cultivate more wonder in your life:

1. Start your day with wonder

Be proactive and seek out wonder rather than wait for wonder to come to you.  Remember it doesn’t have to be big, monumental moments that bring wonder.  Recent evidence suggests that more everyday experiences can also evoke mild feelings of awe.  Every day your heart keeps beating and your lungs keep breathing without any conscious involvement by you.  We as humans have the ability to create wonderfully fulfilling and nutritious meals. Meals can be an artform unlike with other species.

 2. Practice Beginner’s Mindset

In meditation we often talk about having a beginner’s mindset.   Instead of thinking about how your meditation will be based on past experiences, the goal is notice things as though for the first time.  This brings with it an attitude of openness, eagerness, and a lack of preconceptions.   How can you bring this attitude to more subjects in life?

 3. Change your routine

Have you ever driven in your car and gotten somewhere and had no recollection of the drive? That’s being on automatic pilot. A change in commute can bring with it new things to notice.  How about a change in workout routine to break things up?   What are other ways you can shake  up your daily routine?

 4. Make wonder a priority

Connecting with nature and traveling (when we can safely do that again) all have long been known to boost wonder and emotional wellbeing.  Be sure to prioritize getting back to nature.   And don’t forget to plan for travel when you can, maybe even taking a transformative and life-changing wellness trip, click here.

If you want to sign up for this month’s wellness challenge, click here.


Wonder helps us to change our perceptions and allows us to be comfortable with uncertainty.  It makes us time-rich instead of time-poor and helps us connect more deeply to what matters to us.   We can add more wonder to our life by changing our routine, or starting your day off with wonder, practicing a beginner’s mindset and making wonder a priority.  This month it’s worth considering how relates to your wellbeing and see how you can better incorporate wonder into your wellness goals.

What does your 2021 wellness journey look like? To see how I can help support you on that journey, please click here.

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I am an Ambassador for the Global Wellness Insititute.  This monthly topic is based on their wellness moonshot.  A world free of preventable diseases.

Please note, this blog is no substitute for medical advice as a I am not a doctor.   Please be sure to seek medical advice if necessary when developing your own wellness plans.


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