It’s officially time to transition into Fall skincare. I know many have the 4th Tuesday in August circled on the calendar, the official arrival of the PSL – Pumpkin Spice Latte. Now, I love me some pumpkin spice and all things pumpkin, but not in August. I feel that all the focus on pumpkin, overshadows all the joys of apples in September. Besides, I like pumpkin straight up through good old-fashioned Thanksgiving and by then they are out of pumpkin spice!
I know, it’s a controversial position to not celebrate Pumpkin Season when it arrives. Fall doesn’t officially arrive until September 22, and I will enjoy my pumpkin in October and November. So, now that those crisp fall days, regardless of when you started sipping your PSL’s, it’s time to assess our skincare routine for any tweaks we should make for the Fall.
Here are 5 tips to transition your skincare routine from summer to fall:
1. Switch to a heavier moisturizer formula
The humidity levels naturally start to drop as the weather gets colder. Not to mention as the heat get turned on, the insider air gets drier too. This all translates into skin losing the moisture it naturally had during the winter. So, the lightweight moisturizer formulas you used in the summer, won’t keep up with the fall and winter. A slightly heavier formula will help penetrate your skin and form a barrier to keep the moisture in. This is true for both facial and body moisturizers.
2. Drink More Water
I am a big believer that skincare is about more than just the products you use. Great skin truly starts with what you eat and drink. And we all know that we need to drink plenty of water. But this is a great time to renew your commitment or recommit all together. Because water is one of the best things you can do for your skin especially in the fall and winter. Not only does the water help flush out all the toxins in the system, which can affect your skin, but since its drier outside and inside, it’s another way to make sure your skin and body are hydrated.
3. Humidifier
If you put the humidifier away from the winter, it’s time to break it out again. And no, it’s not just for colds. It’s amazing how low the humidity can get in your home in the winter. Something I didn’t fully appreciate until I had a gauge to measure it. I have a humidifier running in the rooms I spend the most time in – bedroom, home office and the open kitchen and living room. It makes a big difference, not only keeping your skin hydrated, but it’s great for preventing colds too, as the drier air, leads the throat and nose more susceptible to infections. Today’s humidifiers also usually have an option to add essential oils for an aromatherapy boost, and part of a spa lifestyle.
4. Sunscreen
Sunscreen is year-round! So just because the earth is tilting away from the sun now, isn’t a time to slack on sunscreen. The sun is less intense, but it’s still there. And it’s really the best thing you can do from an anti-aging perspective, saving you money on more expensive products years from now. Besides, fall is some of the best time to be outdoors, so you might find you are actually outside more – kids’ soccer games, football games, and apple and pumpkin picking. Wellness Tip: It’s also a great time to schedule an annual mole-check with your dermatologist. It’s after the summer season sun and before you start covering up under sweaters.
5. Try a Pumpkin Facial
Speaking of apple and pumpkin picking, it’s another great tip for your fall skin care. Pumpkins are also full of antioxidants, with vitamins A, C and E. They even fight sun damage, which is important after the toll that summer takes. And the Zinc and potassium in pumpkins can combat redness, fight acne (and mascne), and even tighten skin. Apples are high in antioxidants, Vitamin C, and polyphenols. And Apple stem cells have been shown to reduce wrinkles. Yes, you can eat your way to good skin. Like I said, what you eat and drink is as much a part of your skincare routine as any serum! But since we could all use a spa day, why not schedule a spa visit and opt for a seasonal inspired facial.
Dry skin is more prone to irritation, redness and even splotches. So as the summer transitions to the fall, so should your skincare routine. From eating seasonal foods like apples and pumpkins, to drinking water and using a humidifier. Add in some heavier moisturizer and continue with the sunscreen. A few skincare tweaks can make a big difference.
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