Live Spa, even at work

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Live Spa, even at work

So, I had to laugh today. I was at work (my “real” job) and I was in an all day meeting. So, breakfast and lunch were provided by our dining services company.    They had Orange Cucumber “Spa” Water.   Now clearly, in a conference room, in the middle of an office building on a meeting all day about finance and budgets, there is no way that I am going to feel magically transported to a spa.   I am not that crazy!


Spa Water

But I did have to laugh. I mean clearly even work is inspired to “Live Spa”by upping the ante on regular water and adding some spa pizzazz to it. So even in the middle of a workday in Corporate America or the the land of Fortune 500 companies, you can still be inspired by spas.

I do have to say, the cucumber orange water was quite refreshing. I have seen orange and cucumber combinations at other Destination Spas.   But i was a hooked on the strawberry and lemon infused Spa Water.

Live Spa even at Work

For some “Spa Water”, I have a couple of useful tools—I have a Infusion Picther, and I also have an infusion Bottle. For both, you can add the fruits and cucumbers of your choice and let it infuse the water.

The combinations are really endless, limited only by your imagination and preferred fruits. Some work better than others, fruits with a high water content, and cooling and refreshing fruits like watermelon or cucumber work well.

The most traditional are of course cucumbers, and lemon or oranges. But I have done mixed berries for a different treat. And in the fall, I have added apples and cinnamon into the infusion mix.

For some inspiration, check out my board on pinterest.

And “Live Spa”, even at work.


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