Sacred Hot & Cold Stone Massage (Prana Spa)

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Sacred Hot & Cold Stone Massage (Prana Spa)

Prana Spa’s Hot and Cold Stone Massage

Entrance to Prana SpaSo Prana Spa’s treatments primarily center on Ayurvedic treatments and philosophies.      Their services and treatments do have some Asian influence given the region.   However, Bali is a Hindu island and so the connection to Ayurvedic practice makes sense.  The Hot and Cold Stone Massage is based on an Ayruvedic practice.


Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems.  It was developed over 3,000 years ago in India.   Ayurveda has often been referred to the companion to yoga.  It is based on a belief that health and wellness depend on a critical balance between mind body and spirit.   It’s no wonder then that it fits in so well to the spa world with many spas offering Ayurvedic treatments to enhance mind body and soul, as that is central to spas’ missions.    I have had number of Ayurvedic treatments over the years. I believe my first introduction was a Mii Amo Spa in Sedona, Arizona, which you can read about here.  In addition, you can also learn more about Ayurveda here.   In the meantime, back to Prana Spa in Bali.

One of the treatments that caught my eye, especially as I was there for a week and partaking in daily yoga and spa activities, was the “Sacred Hot and Cold Stone Massage”.   Most of us have heard about hot stone massages but less common is the addition of cold stone.  The use of stones in massages can be very grounding, but I was curious about the interplay of the hot and cold.

This type of treatment of course dates back thousands of years to Ayruvedic traditions but was also used in the Mayan civilization in South American as well.  I love the fact that similar practices developed on different parts of the worlds so many years ago.  I figure it has to be good if it was such an ancient tradition.   Besides doesn’t that make you feel a little better about taking time out of your busy schedule for a little R&R and rejuvenation – when people did it thousands of years ago?


The Hot and Cold Stone Massage Treatment

So the Sacred Hot and Cold Stone Massage itself features two attendants.    But so does the Shirodhara Arbhyanga practices, as well as the Soma treatment at Prana, so by I am pretty used to that by now.  Although, to be honest, My Soma treatment at Prana actually featured more than two therapists, so that was a little crowded!  You can read about that experience here.

hot and cold stone massageThe treatment began with warm stones placed in between my toes.   Not all places that do hot stone massages place the little stones between your toes, but they should.   It’s one of the signs of a true hot stone massage if they do, and if you haven’t had this, you need to try it.  You don’t realize how much a toll wearing tight fitting shoes and those heels until warm stones are gently heating up these little guys.

As the massage progressed, the therapists would simultaneously apply the warm and cold stones along the acupressure points of the body.   They would then use aromatherapy oil and massage strokes with the stones for the overall massage.    The heated stones enhance the stimulation of the lymphatic system.   All massages do to some extent, but the heat helps the blood vessels expand in the process.    Meanwhile the cold stones stimulate the muscles and constricts the blood vessels.    Thus the whole massage is interplay of blood vessel expansion and constriction.


This massage is very balanced.   You are not burning from hot stones or shivering from cold stones.  It’s subtler.  And having parts of the body working simultaneously, and thus with different parts of my body experiencing warm and cold sensations at the same time, it actually sort of short-circuited my brain in a way that allowed for a deeper level of relaxation.   The mind can’t handle the competing sensations and so it has to just sort of fade to the background, enhancing relaxation.

Ultimately the interplay of hot and cold creates a calming effect on the entire nervous system.  Thus bringing the body back in to balance, which is why the massage is so restorative.  I definitely recommend a hot and cold stone massage anywhere you can find it, but if you just happen to be in Bali, than you can check out Prana Spa.


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