Simple Ways to Live Spa Everyday

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Simple Ways to Live Spa Everyday

I do think one of things that makes a spa special is that it isn’t something that we get to do everyday.  So we don’t take it for granted, and we appreciate the indulgence that it is.  However, as every spa trip wraps up, i always think about ways to keep the experience alive and going after I leave.  I think its important to tap in to those elements of a spa that help us unwind and relax, and counter the effects of the stresses we endure everyday in our daily lives.   So below are some simple ways to live a Spa Inspired life away from the spa, and without spending money on service and treatments like facials massages, manis and pedis at nearby salons.


  1. Juicing

    I have to say in the past i haven’t always gotten juices at the destination spas I go to.  But recently, I have really gotten into the Green Juices.   And i feel so much better on the days i have them. I seem to stick to my  goals of eating better and getting a little more physical activity on the days that I have nice Green Juice.

  2. Tea, SporTea and Flavored Water

    Water, water, water.  Everyone will tell you the benefits of drinking water — to help move the toxins released by a massage, as well as to keep the muscles and fascia hydrated.  Or to keep the skin hydrated, especially post facial.    Or to replace fluids lost during fitness activity or while being out in the sun.   And in some cases the spas may be in desert or elevated locations, which again require more water.    Water is one of the simplest ways to Live Spa everyday.    I have both  an infusion pitcher as well as infusion bottles that have cylinders to fresh fruit and cucumbers.   I didn’t post any recipes as you should be inspired to use your favorite fruits.    I also recently posted a review about SporTea which is another  alternative to water.  And hey, every time I visit the Lodge at Woodloch, i have some of the SPortTea with my lunch, and get some in water bottle, so its totally Living Spa at home .

  3. Soothe your Eyes

Just a few minutes a day with your eyes closed with a warm eye mask on, can soothe over-worked eyes.  Or a few minutes with a cold eye mask can relieve puffiness around the eyes.  This is something I do daily, especially at the end of the day.

4. Try a new fitness class

I always use my Destination Spa trips as an opportunity to try new things — be it food, treatments and services, or fitness classes.   I have done Cardio Drumming, Bollywood Dancing, Aerial Yoga, Wall of Yoga, and Aqua Aerobics among others.  For an even greater indulgence, I have at times signed up for a private session of yoga or pilates.  Look into a new class at the gym or local Y or township programs.

5. Experience Nature

I come back to Nature quite a bit in my musings on spas.  And really, some of the best spas make use of the natural settings.   And even if  you are in hotel spa, buried in the heart of bustling city, the spa itself is a tranquil oasis, usually with a water fountain, and stones, and plants.  Spas will incorporate  nature as it aids in the relaxation, the harmony, balance and connectivity.  You can Live Spa, just by heading to a nearby park or sitting on your own backyard, patio or balcony. Need some inspiration, read my posts here.

6. Listen to some meditation and yoga music

There’s a correlation to the music and relaxation.  The ambient music, and white noise aids in relaxation.  But as you are in a treatment or service, and relax further, you start to associate the music with the sanctuary and relaxation of the spa.  I mean really is spa music your go to music for a morning commute to work?  I don’t think so.  You only hear that music during spa visits and yoga classes.  So listening to that music alone can just put you into a quiet, meditative and relaxing space.   You can certainly purchase and download download meditation and yoga music. But if you already have a services like goggle play, you can find yoga and meditation music under activities.  And certainly Sirius and even music channels on cable tv providers have spa stations.

7. Try a Spa Recipe

Spa Cuisine isn’t all earthy, crunchy and wheatgrass shots.   Spa Dining, especially at your destination spas can be truly quite indulgent.  Filet Mignon over gorgonzola mashed potatoes, with spring vegetables and a demi-glaze wine sauce as spa food?  Oh yes.  The trick here is portion control, as well as using what’s in season, and preparing things as healthily as possible (flaxseed oil spray, roasting or steaming, etc.).  You can certainly purchase cookbooks from various spas, as I have. But you can also check out the recipe links for free recipes that spas make available.  Or just get inspired by viewing one of their sample menus.   Want more inspiration, view my recipe posts.

8. Lounge in a Spa Robe

I LOVE my spa robe.  I was lucky enough to get one from my first visit to Mii Amo that i love!  I scrutiny spa robes the world over and have my opinions.  You can read about a post here.   But a truly great spa robe brings a little comfort and relaxation to your home everyday.  One of the things I love about Mii Amo, is the encouragement to spend as much time in your spa robes as possible, including dinner.  I have spent an entire day there many times, just all day in a spa robe, getting changed only for a fitness class or the pool.  I admit, i think i was in awe the first time, i sat there having dinner at Mii Amo,  enjoying my filet mignon (see.. i told you above it can be spa cuisine) and having a glass of wine, all why in my spa robe. Talk about indulgence!   Even if you only spend a few minutes in a robe, reading, or having a cup off coffee or tea, or if you indulge one night have have your spa-inspired dinner in a spa robe.  And it has to be a spa robe — its makes it more special — your everyday bathroom robe, won’t quite make you feel spa indulgent.

Spa Robe

9. Disconnect and Connect

One of the many things I love about the spa is that is a still a haven from modern technologies.  There are no TV’s blaring the latest news,  there are no phone calls to interrupt.  And for the most part, it is still one area where people do seem to respect that and silence their phones.  So, it is a great opportunity to just disconnect with the outside world, and all of our device dependencies.  While at the same time connecting to those that matter.  Whether you are there celebrating something with friends or family, the spa is a shared experience and an opportunity to connect.  For those going solo, who better to connect with then yourself?  I have done both.  And it truly is that time I cherish connecting with myself and with my friends without the distractions of the modern world.  Perhaps that is the ultimate indulgence.   A little bit of time daily spent without a device, without the news or TV on, just simply enjoying the solitude or enjoying the company of who you are with is another way to Live Spa.

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