Spirit of the New Moon

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Spirit of the New Moon

Not long ago we had a Super Blue Moon.   There is something awe-inspiring  about a large full moon, and the rarity of a “Blue Moon.”   We know that the moon and its cycles have a powerful effect on the oceans and tides.   We ourselves are connected to this powerful energy.  We feel that most acutely when there is a Full Moon.  But a New Moon can be just as powerful to tap into.

Spirit of the New Moon Treatment (and Ritual)

A New Moon is the start of a new lunar cycle.  So it inherently is all about beginnings.    Tonight we find ourselves ushering a New Moon.   Not only that, but in a few days we will be ushering in Spring, another cycle of new beginnings.  So its seems to me that there is a powerful energy to tap into right now.   There is of course the proverbial spring cleaning,   If you want to do some proverbial spring cleaning, see my post on the Zen of Decluttering for some inspiration.   Of course, this is also a time where people want to do a little bit of a detox and transition from winter comfort food to lighter spring fare.   But there is also the ability to harness this energy of both the New Moon and during to  planting the seeds for the future to really let those seeds take root and grow.

A few years ago, I happened to be at Mii Amo, just around this same time — a new moon, and the start of spring.   Therefore, I jumped at the chance to partake in their Spirit of the New Moon.    Since the New Moon is about “Manifesting your deepest desires and wishes,” they offer a treatment around the days of the New Moon to tap into that energy.

Again, for me, since it was also occurring at the start of spring, it was energetically pointing to a fresh start.  And truthfully, that was where I was at, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.   I had been through a devastating loss, was in a relationship that was going nowhere, and had neglected my well-being.

The treatment began with a foot soak, with salts and essential oils.   Some of the essential oils used were:

  • Spruce – Grounding
  • Angelica – Higher Source
  • Pine – Visions
  • Geranium – Grounding

And then I wrote my intentions down.  I was told that my intentions should be a deeper longing and not a “resolution”.  After writing my intention down, I was treated to a scalp and body massage.  While that was occurring a crystal notice with a candle sat on top of my intentions to amplify and magnify the intention.   

Afterwards my intention was rolled up, tied and placed into sage to bring a strength of conviction to the attention.  It will stay in the bowl for 28 days (until the next new moon) to continue to strengthen the intention.  After the 28 days, it is buried (planted) in the Canyon for it to take root and grow and be returned to the universe.

There are aspects of this ritual that you can incorporate at home under a new moon:

  • A foot soak with epsom salts and essentials oils, such as those listed above, or your own favorite oils.
  • Write down your intentions and place a crystal votive and candle over them while you relax (yoga, journal, meditate.  You could even schedule a massage, but of course, then be smart and don’t have a lit candle while you are out!)
  • Roll up your intention and use sage or incense to strengthen the intention, if you can keep those together for 28 days until the next New Moon, all the better
  • Plant the intention in the ground at home, if you can.


And of course if you are ever at Mii Amo, during a New Moon, I highly recommend the Spirt of the New Moon Treatment.

March 17, 2018


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