Add Layers Like a Pro

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Add Layers Like a Pro

Layers, we all have them.  Whether its fashion, depth and emotions, or the proverbial onion, and even in spa-ing.  The concept of layering really came to me over decade ago.  My friend and neighbor Mary Anne, had just come back from some spa time at David J. Witchell in Newtown, PA (review coming soon). There, they have these steam showers post-massage.   Anyway, Mary Anne and I had gotten to talking about planning some spa time and she has suggested maybe hitting a yoga class before our massages, and hence the concept of layering was really born.

Outdoor Water Amenities at Samas from the Indoor Entrance

As the years progressed, layering become more to clear to me.  Spas like Samas actually suggest that you come early to spend time with the water features.  And similarly, when I started to go to destination spas, the concept of layering really hit home.  When you have multiple  treatments and activities you are planning out over a few days, you can sometimes go from one activity to another.

The benefits are two fold, first, the first activity can prep the body for the second treatment.  And second, and perhaps most important, the relaxation begins with the first treatment and continues with the second, and so it just puts you into a deeper state of relaxation and extends the duration of the relaxation.

And for anyone who has done a spa package, even at day spa, you see the concept of layering first hand.  Going from one treatment, say a massage to a facial and then a mani or pedi, you are getting the benefits of block of time of pampering and relaxation.  That’s layering at its core.

There are any ways to layer.   And while layering is obvious at a destination spa, or with a spa day package, there are plenty of other ways to layer, including a little DIY.

  1. Outdoor Water Therapy Pool at ESPA

    Water Warm up  – Steams, Saunas, whirlpools and hot tubs and Laconicums all serve to help prep for your spa treatments to come.  These amenities serve to loosen up the muscles before you treatments, thus maximizing the benefits of your massage.  I recently blogged about the benefits of steam rooms pre-massage and DIY option for home.  You can read it here.

  2. Physical Warm up – This is as Mary Anne suggested, doing some yoga or tai chi, or other relaxing physical activity. I am not talking about a killer work out or  pushing yourself unless that is your thing, and that relaxes  you.  But for me, I will often do some yoga right before my massage with my local massage therapist.  (DIY).   I love Aerial yoga, and there used to be a Sunday morning class and I used to head right from there to a massage to brunch and I called it my “Decadent Sundays”

    Aerial Yoga at Miraval
  3. Mental Warm-Up  – of course, even just taking time to ground your self and mentally shift from your life to relaxation could benefit from a little warm-up.  Again, sometimes at a destination spa, or even a good hotel or resort spa,  you might find me reading, or journaling before an appointment.  And again, just a little bit of meditation can help calm the mind and deepen and extend the relaxation.  That’s really what we are  going for.



My power combo is Watsu followed by a massage.   This is practically Nirvana for me.  I first discovered that at Mii Amo, where I had a Watsu appointment followed by a massage. I absolutely loved Watsu.  The stretching absolutely loosened up the muscles on its own, but certainly prepped the body to received the maximum benefits of the massage. But its the complete relaxation that goes with being submerged in the water, and little sensory deprivation type of experience that truly relaxed the mind and the mind in 50 minutes.  To follow that with a relaxing massage, just extended the calm, quiet mind and relaxation.  That is my ultimate power combo.  And its not just destination spas where you can get this combo.   In Las Vegas, the Spa at the Bellagio (review coming soon) has Watsu treatments (as of 2018)  and you can easily book a massage to follow.  I did the same thing a Pura Vida in Costa Rica.  And as if to highlight the power of this combo, the Sanctuary at Camelback Mountain Spa and Resort has a spa special called the “Nagare Experience” which is a combination of Watsu and massage, which as they say is “a perfectly balanced duo for the ultimate in therapeutic relaxation.”   I couldn’t have said it better myself, and clearly, I know a good thing when I see it.  I am excited to check out this experience at an upcoming visit.


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